E-R Model

Database Design:
The steps involved in designing a database are as follows:
1.      Requirements Collection and Analysis – Process of Collecting and analyzing the information that is supported by the organization and providing details about how the data is to be generated.
2.      Conceptual Database Design (Uses ER Model) – Process of Constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise, independent of all physical considerations. Conceptual model is the source of information for the logical design phase.
3.      Logical Database Design (Uses Relational Model) – Process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise based on a specific data model, but independent of particular DBMS.
4.      Physical Database Design – Process of DB design implementation on the secondary storage devices.
Introduction to DataModeling
How the data is organized in database?
There are many basic structures that exist in a database system. They are called the database models.
A database model defines:
  • the logical data structure
  • Data relationships
  • Data Consistency constraints
Types of Data Models:
1.      Object based Data Model - Entity-Relationship Model
2.      Record based Data Model – Hierarchical Model, Network Model, Relational Model, Objected Oriented Databases
Entity-Relationship Model:
is a collection of real world objects called entities and their relationships. It is mainly represented in graphical form using E-R diagrams. This is very useful in Database design.
Hierarchical Data Model:
defines data and relationships through hierarchy of data values.
Relationships are represented as parent-child relationships.
To access a low-level record, start at the root, move down until the target record is reached.
Many to Many relationships can't be represented.
Data access is slow.
Network Model:
data is represented as records and relationships as links.
Internal representation is done using linked lists
It is a pointer-based model.
Data Access is sequential.
Wastage of space because uses a pointer based model
Data Access is slow
Relational Model:

is the most widely used database model.
Data is represented in table as collection of rows and columns.
Relationships are implemented using Keys.
It uses relational algebra of mathematical theory.
Object Oriented Databases:
A database which stores data as well as procedures that processes the data.
Entity Relationship(ER) Model:
1.      ER is a high-level conceptual data model.
2.      It allows us to describe the data involved in a real-world in terms of entities and their relationships.
3.      It is widely used to develop an initial design of the database.
4.      It describes the data as a collection of entities, relationships and attributes.
An Example of Database Application – College Database
College database keeps track of students, faculty, Departments and Courses organized by various departments.
Following is the description of College Database:
  • College contains various departments like Department of English, Department of Computer Sciences etc. Each department is assigned by a unique ID and Name. Some faculty members are also appointed to each department and one of them works as Head of the Department.
  • There are various courses conducted by each department. Each Course is assigned a unique id, name and duration.
  • Faculty information contains name, address, department, basic salary etc. A faculty member is assigned to only one department but can teach various courses of other departments also.
  • Student's information contain Roll No, Name, Address etc. A student can opt only for one course.
  • Parent (Guardian) information is also kept along with each student. We keep guardian's name, age, sex and address.
An entity is an object used to represent the things in the real world, e.g., car, table, book etc.
An entity need not be a physical entity, it can also represent a entity in real world e.g., project, loan etc.
It represents a class of things, not any one instance.
Entity Set or Entity Type:
A collection of a similar kind of entities is called an Entity Set or Entity Type.
Entity Identifier:
An entity type which can be identified uniquely based on one of the attributes values uniquely
Strong Entity:
An entity whose existence is not depending on the existence of any other entity is called strong entity. These entity types containing a key attribute.
Weak Entity:
An entity whose existence is depending on the existence of other entity. These entity type does not contain a key attribute and can not be identified independently.
An attribute is a property used to describe the specific feature of the entity.
Each attribute contains a possible set of values that can be attached to it. This is called the domain of the attribute. An attribute can not contain a value outside this domain.
Types of Attributes
Simple Attribute: The attribute that can not be divided further into smaller units
Ex: Age, ID
Composite Attribute: The attribute that can be divided into smaller units and each unit contains a specific meaning.
Ex: Name can be sub divided into FirstName, LastName, MiddleName
Single Valued Attribute: Attributes having a single value for a particular entity.
Ex: Age, ID
Multivalued Attribute: Attributes that have more than one values for a particular entity. For Multivalued attributes, we must specify the minimum and maximum number of values that can be attached.
Ex: Phone Number, Address, Qualification
Stored Attribute: Attributes that are stored directly in the database
Ex: BirthDate
Derived Attribute: Attributes that are not stored directly, but can be derived from stored attributes.
Ex: Experience (Current Date – Date of Joining)
A relationship is an association or connection among entities.
Degree of Relationship:
The number of entities participating in a relationship is called as Degree of Relationship.
If an entity has a relationship with itself is called Unary Relationship.
Ex: Student marries another Student
The relationship between two entities is called Binary Relationship.
Ex: Student opts Course
A relationship among three entities is called Ternary Relationship.
Ex: Customer purchasing Item from ShopKepper.
A relationship among 'n' entities is called N-ary Relationship.
Relationship Cardinality
Cardinality specifies the number of instances of an entity associated with another entity participating in a relationship.
One-to-One: An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A.
Ex: College has principal, University has Vice Chancellor.
One-to-Many: An entity in A is associated with any number of entities in B and an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A.
Ex: Department and Faculty
Many-to-One: An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B is associated with any number of entities in A.
Ex: Course and Instructor
Many-to-Many: Entities in A and B are associated with any number of entities from each other
Ex: Book and Author, Course and Faculty
E-R Diagram
ER diagrams are composed of:
  • rectangles representing entity sets
  • ellipses representing attributes
  • diamonds representing relationship sets.
  • The data is logically represented as tables.
  • Each table should have a unique name.
  • Tables are required to have at least one column.
  • The total number of columns or attributes that comprise a table known as degree of the table.
  • The notion of key is the fundamental concept in relational model.
  • A Relational model allows only one primary key per table.
  • A Primary key may be composed of one or more attributes.
  • In a relation, NULL value is used to represent some missing information, unknown.
  • A NULL value is not a zero value.
Following are the set of steps used for conversion of ER diagram to a relational database.
Conversion of entity sets:
1.      For each strong entity type, we create a relation R. The primary key of the relation R will be one of the key attributes.
2.      For each weak entity type, we create another relation R and the key attribute of its owner entity is also included in R. This key attribute is a foreign key attribute of R.
Conversion of relationship sets:
1.      One-to-One relationship: Include a primary key of partial participation table in total participation table as a foreign key.
2.      One-to-many relationship: Include a primary key of partial participation table in total participation table as a foreign key.
3.      Many-to-many relationship: Create a separate table and include the primary keys of both the relations.
Try this assignment
1.      An employee works for a department. If the employee is a manager, then s/he manages the department. As an employee the person works for the project, and the various departments of a company control those projects. An employee can have many dependents. Draw an E-R diagram for the above company. Try to find out all possible entities and relationships among them.
2.      A supplier located in only one-city supplies various parts for the projects to different companies located in various cities. Let us name this database as “supplier-and-parts”. Draw the E-R diagram for supplier and parts database.
3.      There are multiple banks and each bank has many branches. Each branch has multiple customers. Customers have various types of accounts. Some Customers also had taken different types of loans from these bank branches. One customer can have multiple accounts and Loans. Draw an E-R diagram for the Banking Business Case Study . Try to find out all possible entities and relationships among them.

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